Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Conversation with Usman

Dear Usman,

Since our talk over "google talk", we have not communicated. Do write, whenever you are free.

Dear Venu:
I was busy in translating a philosophical writing, now i am free. We will communicate and we will talk about sufism's chief issues. Because it is an issue of very importance, specially for someone, who wants to get out of himself.

Dear Usman, I think it is very simple. All we have to do is to be aware of our feelings, neither trying to get away from any uncomfortable feeling nor encouraging or indulging in feelings that we are comfortable with. This will save us from having a split personality where we are always fighting for something or fighting against something. Just watching our feelings as they rise and ebb without any prejudice or favour will go a long way in giving us a wholesome view of life. Eventually our consciousness itself will become wholesome and our sense of lack and fear will disappear. Then we would be free of our negativities and be prepared to undertake the spiritual journey, where we celebrate the oneness of existence.